i'm Luis Pirela

Web developer and software engineer

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web development

Building and maintaining your websites; Working behind the scenes to make your website look great, work fast and perform well with a seamless user experience.

web design

Plan, create and code internet sites and web pages, many of which combine text with sounds, pictures, graphics and video clips.

app design

Understanding client requirements and how they translate to new application features. Writing high-quality code to program complete applications on schedule.


Full Stack Developer


October 2020 - Currently

Client-side and server-side development using React.js and Express.js.

Using SQLite and PostgreSQL to handle databases.

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featured projects



Promarca is a sea product company in need of management of employees and user permissions but most of all the idea was to solve the problem of weighing the product that came in into the storage and compare it with the real weight of the product that can be used. We had to use WebSockets to connect to the weight and measure it in real-time and record the results assigned to each load that came in on each truck. That was the first part of it, later on, we added a dashboard with data visualization and movement sensor cameras to prevent movement at the moment of weighing and calculating the price.



AptisGo is an e-learning website for any users that want to prepare for the Aptis English language certification test which is one of the most renowned English certifications that users can get in the European region especially in Spain, Using React and redux we made an experience similar to Duolingo but with the help of teachers and professors at B1B2 Academy turned it into a specialized version. Using almost the exact questions that would appear in the real exam and gameifying it for the users' enjoyment.

ReactReduxGoogle AnalyticsUI/UXTwilio APIHTML/CSS


Bazl was a new revolutionary social media site aiming to take the e-commerce industry by surprise and combining it with a social media user experience. Launching a web app and a mobile app simultaneously.

ReactFirebaseWeb APIHTML/CSSJavascript


SysUsuarios is an Auth and permission management system developed for all future projects in the current company I was working at called Sysmodelers. This one marks the first time I had to do modeling functionality and designing views on a project while also developing the entire client on my own.

ReactProject ManagementHTML/CSSJavascriptScum

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